Daytona Beach: I’m (a PTSD survivor work in progress) going places!

What do you other mums or dads feel like when you’ve been at home caring full time for your little ones and then SUDDENLY they’re both at school and you’re LOST? How can I find my drive and proactive energy to get through the hours I’m apart from them? I have always had all-consuming and demanding careers until I became a stay at home mummy 4 years ago. Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach: Dear Santa, Please may I have a new brain? Love Laura, a Compex PTSD survivor

Christmas is coming. It’s bloody well almost round the mountain, about to ‘sleigh’ my brain all over again. The annual dread of the ‘big day’. Memories, triggers, confusing feelings, remorse and more. Sound familiar? Heavens above, you are not alone! Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach: Child abusers – the world’s most advanced torture and brainwashing experts. Living with PTSD.

A sudden bombardment of triggers can take you down a rabbit hole without a rope! I had become overwhelmingly nostalgic for the small amount of positive stories from my childhood I have saved on my hard drive.Danger-zone. Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach: Books On Living With People With PTSD

In our book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, my wife Melissa talks about what she does to help me when various things trigger me, basically, how do people in Daytona Beach deal With PTSD Triggers. Daytona Beach Books On Living With People With PTSD

Daytona Beach: Post-school holidays re-set. PTSD self-scan.

School holidays give me perspective on life. Now I’m out the other side and husband is back at work, kids back to nursery/school, I miss everyone, the lovely togetherness and long for the weekends when we can all just BE. I don’t miss the hectic mess and lack of peace at home.

Daytona Beach: PTSD and the Window of Tolerance

It never fails. I am going along, seemingly handling all the big deals in my life, balancing all the balls, spinning all the plates: family, job, continuing education for said job, bills, friends, and just when I feel like I have it all going for me… WHAM! The tiniest issue takes my feet out from under me and I’m a puddle on the floor.